Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Distance Learning Home Assignments (Autumn Holidays)

Hello, dear pupils!

Hope everything is fine with you all and you're enjoying this warmth the autumn vacation brings. However, relaxing time should be accompanied by some work as well as you don't want to let your English skills get rusty, right? :)

10-А form:  p. 46-47, learn the rules; ex.4 p.47 in writing; ex.1, p.45 (виписати тільки слова).

8-В: p.37,39 (learn the rules); ex.7,p.39(in writing); WB ex.31,32 p.21.

10-Б: ex.9, p.44(in writing); ex.11, p.45 (in writing);ex.1(a, b) read and do the task orally, p.46-47; ex.2, p.47 (in writing).

7th forms: p.48-49 (read and learn the words); ex.3,4, p.49 (listen and do the tasks in writing); ex.1.p.52-53(read and learn the words); ex.3(1-6 sent.) in writing,p.54; ex.3(7-10 sent.),orally, p.54.

6- Б: ex.1, p.61(in writing); ex. 6a, p. 60(listen); ex. 6b, p.60 (in writing); p.51 (вивч.таблицю); ex.5, p.53 (in writing).

5-В: ex.1, p.50-51(listen and learn the words); ex.2, p.51(in writing); p.52 learn the words; ex.1, p
58(read); ex.2, p.59 (in writing); p.59 - learn the words.

Don't get ill and be cautious about your health during these warm days as cold is always waiting nearby! Let honey and lemon tea be your best friends!