Saturday, February 3, 2018

Home Tasks for 5th, 7th, 8th and 10th Forms ( to be done till 05.02.18)

Hello, dear pupils!

Here's some home tasks for you so you won't be bored during the unscheduled take-off days you are currently having: 

5th A, B and C forms: ex.3, p. 53 (in writing); ex. 3, p. 50 (revise).

7th A form: write a recipe of your favourite dish; ex.5, p. 81 (in writing);

8th  A and B forms: ex. 8, p. 134 (revise); write an essay "My Favourite Book".

10th A form: p. 83 (revise); p. 85, ex. 8 (work over); p. 86, ex. 2 (work over).

P.S. watch your health carefully and stay out of trouble during this quarantine period!