Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Home Assignments Due to Epidemic

Hello, dear pupils!

As you know, we're having an Epidemic state declared. In light of these events I'm leaving home-assignments for you to be done while our authorities are handling this situation out

11-А (to be done till 30.01.2019/01.02.2019): ex.3,p.133-136(revise);ex.2,p144 and ex.4.p.145 (learn);ex.3,p.142(in writing); ex.6,(b),p.137-138(read and make the table).

All 6th forms (to be done till 28.01.2019/29.01-2019):  p.113 (learn the words); ex.1,p.112-113(read); ex.3,p.59-60(in writing).

All 9th forms (to be done till 30.01.2019/01.02.2019): p130-131 (Passive Voice-revise),ex.3(a),p.130-131(in writing);ex.3,p125(learn).

5-B (5-Б) form - please, do all of the tasks related with "All About My Family" topic.

Stay safe and watch your health carefully! Let your parents know if you're feeling weird and don't let the situation go out of control.