Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Home-work to Occupy Yourselves (6th-A, all 7th form, 9thA and 9th-B forms and 11th forms)

Hello, dear pupils!

As you might've heard, our vacations are going to start sooner than we've previously anticipated. So, it's high-time to inform you about your home assignments. So, here they are:

6th-A form: 1) ex. 2(b), p.49; 2) ex. 3 p. 49 (orally); 3) p.49 - learn the words; 4) ex. 5(a), p.50 (in writing).

The 7th forms: 1) ex. 1, p. 42-43 (listen and read); 2) ex. 2, p. 43 (orally); 3) ex.3,4, p.43 (in writing).

9th-A and 9th-B forms: 1) Learn the last notes in the copybook; 2) ex. 7 p. 37 (in writing).

11th-forms: 1) ex. 7 p. 74 (orally); 2)p. 76 (learn the words); 3) p. 80 (learn the table); 4)ex. 1,2 p. 80-81 (in writing).

Bye-bye, kids!

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